When to use ahead and when to use MS Teams?

The most important company-wide information is shared via ahead while MS Teams is a tool for collaboration within smaller teams.

The navigation structure in ahead provides the knowledge base for employees to pick up all relevant information about the company and respective functional topics that they need in their daily work. Ideally, the intranet acts as a "single source of truth" in the company and covers the following areas:

  • Promoting employee engagement and employee identification with the company, meaning:  making mission, values and culture tangible, strengthening your employer brand
  • Communicating news in the context of various topic channels (e.g. HR, finance, events, etc.)
  • Static information that relates to locations and areas
  • Search of:
    • Documents
    • Microsoft Teams/ SharePoint sites
    • News, content pages and stories
    • People

In short: The intranet conveys structured and curated content on the part of corporate communication. In addition, ahead offers employees the possibility to easily find any documents from SharePoint and OneDrive via search. ahead thus links the world of "internal communication" with the tools from M365 and is ideally suited as a starting point for the workday.

"ahead links the world of corporate communication with the tools from M365 and is ideally suited as a starting point for the workday"


In contrast, collaboration platforms (such as M365) offer all the necessary tools for collaboration in smaller teams, departments, for project work and meetings - 1:1 or in smaller groups. Microsoft Teams is used in contrast to ahead for collaboration. The following work is usually done in Microsoft Teams:

  • Chat-based communication
  • Video telephony
  • Real-time collaboration & co-authoring on documents (with SharePoint in the background)
  • Capture of meeting minutes and task management
  • Project collaboration within specific so-called Channels

In short: In Microsoft Teams or M365, people work together and collaborate on projects and in teams.

It is an interactive tool that can be used by everyone in an egalitarian manner.