Customising User Roles and Permissions in ahead

This article provides a detailed explanation of the permissions that are available and how they can be assigned to different user roles in the ahead platform.

 🧑🏻‍💻 For admins | ✅ Standard feature

Permission Overview

The table below provides an overview of all the available permissions in ahead and specifies the default role to which each permission is assigned.

Name Description Default Role
CanRead Can access and read content. User
CanComment Users have the ability to provide comments on news articles, pages, and stories. User
CanCreateStories Users have the ability to create and begin a story. Additionally, the creator of the story can also make edits to the story after it has been created. User
CanAddElementToStories Can add a content item to a story that is currently active and visible to users. User
UseMessages Users have the ability to utilize the messaging feature to engage in chat conversations with their colleagues. User
CreateCommunity Users have the ability to create a community. When a community is created, the person who created it automatically becomes the administrator of that community. User
EditStory Has the ability to edit a story that was created by another user. Editor
EditCareable Can create and edit elements within the company's compass. Editor
PinNews Can pin news articles to the news channel. Editor
CanEditPrivateNews Can designate a news article as private for a specific group of users. Editor
UseMustRead Can utilize the "must read" feature on news articles and pages. Editor
RunCampaign Can create, edit, and manage a campaign. Editor
CanEdit Has the ability to create and make changes to news articles and pages. Editor
UsePageAdministration Has the ability to view the news and pages overview, providing access to all existing news and pages that are not set as private. Editor
CanNotifyUsers Can send notifications (via push notification, email, and MS Teams) when publishing a news article or a page. Editor
UseInsights Has the ability to view the insights section of ahead. Editor
CanAccept Can approve edit requests from other editors to grant them permission to edit a news article created by another editor. Admin
UseGeneralAdmin Can access and modify the general company settings in ahead, allowing for customization of global settings. Admin
CanModerate Can access the moderation dashboard in ahead to effectively manage and address reported content from users. Admin
DeleteContent Has the ability to delete any type of content within ahead. Admin
EditDesign Has the ability to create and personalize the appearance and style of ahead. Admin
UseTopicAdministration Has the ability to manage the navigation structure of ahead. Admin
CreatePrivateCommunity Users have the ability to create private communities. When a private community is created, the person who created it automatically becomes the administrator of that community. Admin

Customising Roles

Each permission can be assigned to one of the default roles: Users, Editors, or Admin. If you want to create more specific roles, you can create a new Group in Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) and assign users to these roles. For assistance with this, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

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