How to embed videos in pages?

Here's a simple guide for editors on how to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and SharePoint using URL or iframe.

 ✍🏼 For editors   |   ✅ Standard feature 

YouTube videos 

  1. Find the Video:

    • Go to YouTube and find the video you want to embed.
  2. Get the Embed Code:

    • Click on the "Share" button below the video.

      share yt
    • Select "Embed" from the sharing options to get the iframe code or copy the URL address.

    get the code yt

    iframe youtube
  3. Embed the Video:

    • Paste the iframe code into the building block.

embed video

Vimeo videos 

  1. Find the Video:

    • Go to Vimeo and find the video you want to embed.
  2. Get the Embed Code:

    • Click on the "Share" button (usually represented by a paper plane icon).

    vimeo 1 
    • Copy the iframe code provided in the embed section.


  3. Embed the Video:

    • Paste the iframe code into the building block.

embed video


SharePoint videos 

  1. Find the Video:

    • Navigate to your SharePoint site and locate the video you want to embed.
  2. Get the Embed Code:

    • Open the video in SharePoint.
    • Click on "Copy link" or the "Embed" option (you may need to click on the ellipsis ... to find it).
      SP 1
      SP 2
    • Copy the iframe code provided.


  3. Embed the Video:

    • Paste the iframe code into your building block content.

embed video

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