The Company Compass

Learn what the Company Compass is all about and how editors can build, maintain and connect it to daily events.

Our Company Compass feature brings your company's vision, mission, values and goals to the forefront, ensuring everyone is committed to what really matters.

One of the biggest challenges companies are facing these days is communicating and aligning everyone with crucial aspects of the company culture, such as its mission. ahead is determined to help organizations spread a culture that drives and inspires its people.

In this lesson you'll learn how to build the Company Compass, as well as how to connect the different elements to daily events like news & stories.

Learn how to build your Company Compass

Editors handle the creation and maintenance of the Compamy Compass. Like News and Pages, the elements of the Company Compass are composed with building blocks. 

Once the Company Compass is published, its elements can be connected to News and Stories. This creates a more meaningful experience for the employee.